The Museum’s artistic activities, mediation, programming and curatorship include, among others, actions such as temporary exhibitions, concerts, conferences, workshops, training activities and guided visits.

The main initiatives are usually based on significant dates, such as the International Day of Museums (18 May), the Museum’s anniversary (1 June), the National Day for the Church’s Cultural Assets (18 October); but also festive seasons such as Christmas, Carnival or Easter. Biennially, the Museum Conferences are held, to which the publication MASFJournal is associated.
Flemish Art Exhibit - Reopening
01.10 — 01.10, 2024
International Museum Day - Museums, Education and Research
17.05 — 18.05, 2024

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They're Carnations, My Lord! - Celebrating April 25th
22.04 — 27.04, 2024
Easter at MASF
15.03 — 25.03, 2024
Christmas at MASF - Christmas activities
09.12 — 15.01, 2023
Altar Vase - Flowers and Liturgy through the Ceramics of José Manuel Gomes
21.06 — 18.10, 2023
The Conferences of the Sacred Art Museum of Funchal (MASF) seek to create a space for sharing knowledge and experiences around a particular theme in the area of study and performance in museums. The subject dealt with is usually selected from the needs felt in the MASF and the specificity that defines it as a museum with heritage collections of a religious nature.

The structuring of the panels of lecturers is the responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the event and is carried out by invitation. In addition, other interested researchers may submit their proposals in a poster format, who may or may not be invited later to make an oral presentation.

The initiative began in 2017, usually taking place in a face-to-face format each year in March. Beginning in 2021, it became a biannual event, always associated with the digital publication MASF Journal, a scientific journal in which contributions are published by the invited lecturers and all those who, through the open invitation to participate, wish to submit their work on the theme of each edition, or about the MASF and its collection.
NEXT EDITION March 2024 - CURATORY: Intersections between Art and Spirituality
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec sed odio dui. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
In addition to the group of invited speakers, in order to enrich the debate, we invite all those who study, participate or develop research and studies within the scope of the themes proposed for the current Editions, to present a POSTER of this work.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!
MASF JOURNAL is a digital-based publication, issued annually, associated with the Museum Conferences initiative.
Access to the publication is free.
The journal arises from the need to disseminate the topics covered in the communications presented by the speakers participating in the Museum Conferences, constituting a platform for sharing and disseminating ideas and the knowledge generated.
The structure adopted also includes a space for the call for papers open to all those who in some manner wish to publish on the theme of each edition. The texts published may be in Portuguese (preferably), English, French or Spanish.
The objective of this call is to disseminate texts on research, studies and actions carried out and/or in development, related to the theme of each year, in the following formats:

– Articles (up to 5000 words);
- Reviews (up to 1500 words);
- Activities (up to 1500 words);
– Relevant news or events (up to 1500 words).

In addition to the specific themes related to the edition of each year of the Museum Conferences, beginning with issue no. 3, the MASF Journal includes in its call for papers, in the same formats, contributions that concern studies and research directly related to its collections that add new knowledge about them. To ensure the quality and appropriateness of the texts to the theme of each edition, the contributions submitted for publication in the journal are subject to evaluation by the Scientific Committee, through the peer-review system.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Museography: Spaces and discourses
March 4-5, 2021
Museography: Spaces and discourses
Through the various speakers invited and associated with projects carried out in Portugal, the theme of the 2021 Museum conferences aims to create a space for reflection and the sharing of work methods around the different dimensions of Museography, specifically, around the techniques and practices related to the integral functioning of a museum. It is intended to give special emphasis to the dimension of the exhibition, in the way it is designed through negotiations with the various protagonists of an exhibition project, with art and heritage, with spaces and places, with architecture and design, with audiences, History and Culture.

Mediations: Learning, Heritage and Museums
March 8-9, 2019
Mediations: Learning, Heritage and Museums
The theme of the third edition of The Conferences of the Museum is associated with reflections of an educational nature, around art and heritage. The choice of the theme arose from the approaching celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Educational Service in the Sacred Art Museum of Funchal (MASF), an institution that has developed programmes for the study and communication of its collections with the various audiences.

The MASF is a diocesan museum enrolled in what are called ecclesiastical museums and which is defined in close connection with the territory where it is located – with its historical, cultural, social and religious fabric. The educational mission of MASF has sought to present the beauty of human creative processes in the expression of its religious dimension, fostering the understanding and interpretation of the local historical and artistic heritage, through mediations for the construction of meanings that unveil authenticity, complexity and the globality of artistic works of a religious nature.

Starting from the concrete case of the cultural heritage of a religious nature, this meeting is intended to create an extended space of sharing, debate and reflection, centred on the multiplicity and transversality of the concepts, definitions, scopes and spaces of heritage education today.

Sacred Art Questions
March 1-2, April 4, 2018
Sacred Art Questions
Based on a motive dear to the identity of the Institution, this conference seeks to bring together an array of knowledge in a community of sharing and debate, exchanging knowledge at the level of scientific research around Art, Heritage and Museology.

Crossing history and its legacies with the gaze of contemporaneity, this is the proposal of these CONFERENCES, organized around two thematic panels: Expressions of Religious Cultural Heritage and The Construction of the Sacred Space – transversal themes in the study of artistic and patrimonial heritage of a religious character and in the issues of faith and culture, with the celebration of the European Year of Cultural Heritage on the horizon.

Flemish Painting of the 15th and 16th Centuries - Art and Science
March 16-17, 2017
Flemish Painting of the 15th and 16th Centuries - Art and Science
The Museum Conferences are now part of the programme of activities of the Sacred Art Museum of Funchal (MASF), which, from now on, will be held in March of each year. Using the historical-cultural background as reference and based on the thematic and artistic matrix of the museum, the museum seeks to organize an annual meeting of debate and the sharing of knowledge, at the level of scientific research carried out around Art and Museology, which can also touch on some themes that intersect, directly or indirectly, with the artistic and patrimonial heritage that make up the Culture of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
The first edition hosts the theme “The Flemish Painting of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries – Art and Science”, seeking to resume the debate around the MASF’s most emblematic and important collection of art – Flemish painting – in the light of current research, based on the cross-disciplinarity of the Art Sciences.

MASF JOURNAL is a digital-based publication, issued annually, associated with the Museum Conferences initiative.
Access to the publication is free.
The journal arises from the need to disseminate the topics covered in the communications presented by the speakers participating in the Museum Conferences, constituting a platform for sharing and disseminating ideas and the knowledge generated.
The structure adopted also includes a space for the call for papers open to all those who in some manner wish to publish on the theme of each edition. The texts published may be in Portuguese (preferably), English, French or Spanish.
The objective of this call is to disseminate texts on research, studies and actions carried out and/or in development, related to the theme of each year, in the following formats:

– Articles (up to 5000 words);
- Reviews (up to 1500 words);
- Activities (up to 1500 words);
– Relevant news or events (up to 1500 words).
Studies on the MASF and its collections
In addition to the specific themes related to the edition of each year of the Museum Conferences, beginning with issue no. 3, the MASF Journal includes in its call for papers, in the same formats, contributions that concern studies and research directly related to its collections that add new knowledge about them.

To ensure the quality and appropriateness of the texts to the theme of each edition, the contributions submitted for publication in the journal are subject to evaluation by the Scientific Committee, through the peer-review system.